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Modular kitchen with linoleum fronts

The feel of linoleum is an absolute delight to the touch. Chefs appreciate the surface because the natural product feels good to the touch and also takes on the room temperature. Heat is generated here even when you’re not cooking. The organic surface combines an elegant appearance with practical properties: the linseed oil and resin components make linoleum particularly easy to clean and durable.

Want to find out more details about the modular kitchen made of linoleum? Take a look at the WERK modular kitchen.

It's the inner values that count - and the outer ones:

1. Linoleum fronts optionally in: Olive, iron, anthracite, smoky blue, grey blue, sand grey

2. Coated: Sealed with natural resins, the surface resists damp vapours or splashes

3. Antistatic: dust does not stick

4. Shows edge: solid oak and ash wood make the edges impact-resistant and are a high-quality eye-catcher

5. healthy living: chipboard-free and therefore hardly any formaldehyde vapours

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